Defining ‘Europe’ in Medieval European Geographical Discourse


In the course of the project we have made a number of videos and video lectures on subjects related to the project focus: the Imago mundi, medieval encyclopedias, manuscripts, medieval representations of space. These videos can be watched here.


Mini-lecture 1: (Manuscript)Book Space and the Medieval Encyclopedia

This lecture was delivered as a guest lecture at Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, in April 2021 in the series 「⽂献学の世界」”World of Literary Studies”「テキストと/の空間性」”Space and/of Texts”. The lecture is in two parts. Both parts of this lecture can be viewed in the videos below.

Part I:


Part II:

Mini-Lecture 2: Text  – Book – Manscript

This  mini-lecture was recorded for the first undergraduate class for the course Old Irish 1, taught at Utrecht University. The mini-lecture addresses the issue of the differences between the concepts “text”, “book”, and “manuscript”. The mini-lecture aimed at first-year undergraduate students embarking on studying medieval literature. This mini-lecture is 4 minutes long.

Mini-Lecture 3: Making an Edition (Delw y Byd)

This lecture was recorded for the ‘Capstone’ course at Utrecht University in spring 2021. The course is aimed at final-year undergraduates who are completing their studies and about to embark on writing their undergraduate thesis. At the conclusion of the mini-lecture are some questions for the students to consider.